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Death Midwifery

The sacred, profound work of tending the final gate of life, helping it to be precious and meaningful, and transforming the fear based relationship with death has called to me for most of my life. To answer that call in a more direct and profound way I received Death Midwife Training and Certification in July, 2022,  

A Death Midwife (often referred to as a Death Doula) is a non-medical, holistic, spiritual companion who guides and supports people through the process of dying to facilitate a more graceful, beautiful, and meaningful death for the one dying and the loved ones surrounding them.

As a Death Midwife, I offer practical, emotional and spiritual support. Some of the support offered is:

  • assistance planning for death
  • facilitating conversations about death and the wishes around it
  • helping to ensure necessary documents are in order that will allow for the death and disposition of the remains to happen as wished
  • providing gentle therapeutic techniques to ease pain and anxiety
  • working with the spirit and soul of the person dying through all stages of transition
  • supporting the dying and their loved ones in resolving in themselves whatever may keep them from moving through this transition clean and clear
  • creating the sacred space in which the dying and their loved ones feel supported and cared for through the death and after
  • supporting the loved ones tending their beloved dead
  • supporting the grieving process — in anticipation of, during, and after death

If you are interested, Click here for a YouTube video that is on a channel, called Crossing Thresholds, which is devoted to exploring facets of death and dying around the world. 

 For those interested in this service, I offer a brief, free, initial consult to discuss the extent of support available and what is wanted.  

Depending on the services requested some of this may be able to go through insurance, such as therapeutic sessions around grief and loss. However, the majority of this work is not covered by insurance because it is not considered a medical role and will need to be covered out of pocket.